Open Hole Fishing, Cased Hole Fishing and Pipe Recovery Services
Canfish Services is proud to have the expertise required to provide technical support and equipment for all levels of fishing and pipe recovery well repair requirements. Starting from job planning to execution our technical expertise is second to none when it comes to teaming up with the operator to solve well bore issues.
Open and Cased Hole Fishing Services
- Junk Catchers
- Magnets
- Washover Pipe
- Casing Cutting and Retrieving
- Casing Patches
- Casing Scrapers
- Mechanical Whipstocks
- Internal pipe Cutting
- External Pipe Cutting
- Section Mills
- Milling Tools
- Pilot Mills
- Junk Mills
- Packer milling and retrieval
- Well Abandonments
- Coil Tubing Fishing
- Sucker Rod Fishing
- Overshots
- Tubing
- Drill Collars
- Jarring Strings
Pipe Recovery services ( Wireline)
- Free Point and Backoff
- Chemical Cutters
- Circulation Perforating services
- Jet Cutting
- Severing tools
- Bridge Plug setting
- MWD Retrieval
- Split Shots
- Pressure Activated Equipment
- Horizontal Pump Down Equipment